"Very nice, me lad, very nice indeed," said the grizzled old captain as I spun my tales of yore. (Scene dissolves into a beautiful ocean sunset.)
Another good one, Terry. Keep 'em comin'...
____a true story___.
shortly after the incident, i drove back along the pacific coast in a euphoric daze of confusion, tears, and exhilaration; there was no place for it to go inside my head.
i pulled over on the shoulder of the road and sat in stunned silence.
"Very nice, me lad, very nice indeed," said the grizzled old captain as I spun my tales of yore. (Scene dissolves into a beautiful ocean sunset.)
Another good one, Terry. Keep 'em comin'...
and i don't mean that stupid made up shit russell just invented only a 100 yrs ago.
he never passed the 7th grade and declared that the world was too stupid to understand the bible without him.. who do you follow and pore money into the watchtower?.
prologos and adjusted knowledge:
Years ago when I was traveling for work, I attended some meetings in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area. The Watchtower Study conductor emceed it like a game show. Or maybe a really enthusiastic news anchor. Most entertaining. If that guy wasn't in show business, he should have been.
does anyone else have those things that everyone else seems to know ... except you?
it's like you were off the day it was taught in school and you don't know that you don't know about it.
but everyone else does.. i have a couple .... first, days of the month.
The Rockwell Retro Encabulator routine is pure genius!
I'm amazed at this guy's ability spout all that BS with such a straight face! Reminds me of that scene in Airplane where the captain (Dean Martin) gives the precocious kid a line of double-talk to make him think they hadn't reversed course when they really had. Hey! Wait a minute... I know of a couple of Internet TV sites and YouTube channels where he'd fit right in! Just sayin'...
I can regurgitate all kinds of trivia and have had to memorize lots of numbers and rules and regulations for aviation jobs I've held, but I could never remember off-hand whether my (first) wedding anniversary was on the 21st or the 24th of a certain month and year. I always had to google a calendar of that year and look it up. Go figure...
this is probably old news and was commented about in early 2015, but the ithaca news reported on the 3/15 sale of kingdom farm in s lansing ny.
this is the property that was directly across the road from the old gilead site, which had sold a number of years ago.
but about 500 acres still was operated by the jws as kingdom farm.
some time ago, i wrote an extensive article on shunning and published it on my website.
since that website had views on doctrinal matters that no longer reflect my current stand, i took the website down.
however, my views on this matter are still current, and for the benefit of everyone here, i'm going to post the article here.
I appreciate your reasonable and balanced approach to this sensitive topic. (I would have said "masterful," but that word has been forever soiled by the recent WT video.)
If the WT would take such an approach to this and all their other policies masquerading as Biblical doctrine, they would have far less opposition and keep far more of their members.
i have a number of old books and am looking at selling a few.
in particular i have all the old yearbooks (from 1927?
) and i was looking at selling the 1934 yearbook.
I would be interested in the 1934 Yearbook as well, if LevelThePlayingField passes.
Thanks for letting us know it's available.
my middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
So sorry to learn the of your loss, Rich. I've always enjoyed your posts.
I lost my own brother (only 15 months younger) a few months ago in a freak accident at his home. So silly, so totally avoidable, but so fatal. Life truly turns on a dime.
I know it sounds trite, but hang in there. He will never truly be gone as long as you call him to mind and remember the good times and what you meant to each other.
My best to you and yours.
the wife of my friend (the one i call gayxjw) had ancestors from there.. back in the 19th century a lot of people came from all over the world to look for gold.
among them there were many chinese.
they were often very organised, bringing baby pigs on the ships from china, seeds and seedlings for gardens they planned to start, etc.
i guess i'll tell my john de lorean story_______.
in the summer of '74 i moved my family to southern california.hooray for us!
is it ready, john?".
Terry, your writing is definitely improving. I love stories like this, and you tell them very well.
Oh yeah, good luck with your long overdue rendezvous...
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe return.in a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.